Common Service

Legislative - Legal Section

Head: Bojan Šehovac


Legislative - Legal Section Responsibilities is a specialized service of the Secretariat that performs professional tasks related to the parliamentary legislative and control function - Ensuring legal and technical processing of the documents approved by the Parliamentary Assembly - Providing consulting support to the working bodies, caucuses of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples, including members of the Parliamentary Assembly, during the drafting of proposed laws and other acts - Revising the texts of laws and other legislation - Analyzing and preparing expert opinions on proposed laws and other legislation in the Parliamentary Assembly, in co-operation with the Joint Committee on European Integration and Constitutional - Legal Affairs Committees of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly, in order to harmonize the Constitution and legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina with European laws. Also ensuring that procedures and legal and technical requests are compliant with the Rules of Procedure of the Parliamentary Assembly and other legislation - Participating in the sessions of the Parliamentary Assembly and committees and providing legal clarification with regard to the subject of discussion, upon request by the Secretary - Monitoring the development of legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe and comparing experiences - Preparing and organizing trainings for newly elected members of the Parliamentary Assembly on legislative and legal processes, in co-ordination with services from other parliaments - Jointly with the Department for Drafting and Publishing Legislation, participating in drafting the final version of the law and other acts of the Parliamentary Assembly, which are to be published in the ''Official Gazette of BiH'' - Co-ordinating with other departments and providing legal opinions upon request - Preparing draft contracts when the Parliamentary Assembly is the contracting party - Co-ordinating with other sections and offices to prepare information and other materials which are important for legislative procedures - Co-ordinating and exchanging information with the relevant services of parliaments from other countries - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.