Common Service
Information – Documentation Section
Head: Lejla Tafro - Sefić
Following departments are within Information – Documentation Section:
Head: Sonja Vrcić
Documentation and Information Department Responsibilities providing professional expertise to the members of the Parliamentary Assembly, expert associates, employees in the Parliamentary Assembly, and external users through the dissemination of information and documentation necessary for day to day work and scientific research, including legal, educational and other affairs - Registering, collecting, filing and processing Parliamentary Assembly documents, both in written and electronic form - Publishing transcripts and minutes from the plenary and joint sessions - Preparing and editing publications, brochures and catalogues about the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly - Developing and maintaining the database used for providing information about legislative activities - Developing statistical and analytical reviews on the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly - Developing a methodology for comparative analyses and planning - Developing electronic archives of stored documentation - Co-ordinating with other institutions - Exchanging information and establishing channels for information and documentation flow about the performance of administrative bodies at all levels - Performing other tasks, as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH
Head: Edina Fazlagić
Library Department providing professional assistance to library users (members of parliament, delegates and employees of the Parliamentary Assembly) in researching thematic requests, based on existing library holdings and currently available electronic databases - Assigning a class number and classifying library holdings by subject, which is crucial to the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and its publications - Establishing co-operation with libraries from the European parliaments and other related organizations, associations (IFLA –International Federation of Library Associations – Sector for Parliamentary Libraries, Association of Librarians of BiH, EICBIB – Electronic – Information Consortium of BiH, etc) and institutions in the country and abroad - Preparing information relevant for current sessions of the Houses, committees and working bodies of the Parliamentary Assembly, based on available sources - Responding to ECPRD requests - Monitoring and participating in the development and implementation of EUROVOC and other library standards - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
Head: Lejla Nuhodžić
Proof Reading Department providing translations of laws and other acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Council of Ministers of BiH, Presidency of BiH, and other bodies and organizations, into languages in official use in BiH, when they are proponents of the acts which are to be considered and adopted in the Houses and committees of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH - Providing translations of documents from foreign languages (English, French, German and Italian) to languages in official use in BiH, and from languages in official use in BiH into foreign languages, as needed by the Parliamentary Assembly - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
Publishing trade and Publications Department edits and issues publications of the Parliamentary Assembly in languages officially used in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in foreign languages in order to present and promote the work of the Parliamentary Assembly; it prepares promotional material for conferences, congresses, symposia, seminars, visits, hosting and presentations. The Department runs a complete technical and graphic preparation of publications, as well as all other materials prepared for publication; it also performs other tasks as stipulated by acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.