Common Service
About Common service

Secretary: Mirza Imamović
Assistant to the Secretary of the Common Service: Mirha Isanović - Žiga
Secretary: Ljiljana Milićević
Secretary: Muamera Numić
Secretary: Edin Mukinović
Secretary: Dejan Ružić
Secretary: Aida Kreho
Head: Bojan Šehovac
Legislative - Legal Section is a specialized service of the Secretariat that performs professional tasks related to the parliamentary legislative and control function - Ensuring legal and technical processing of the documents approved by the Parliamentary Assembly - Providing consulting support to the working bodies, caucuses of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples, including members of the Parliamentary Assembly, during the drafting of proposed laws and other acts - Revising the texts of laws and other legislation - Analyzing and preparing expert opinions on proposed laws and other legislation in the Parliamentary Assembly, in co-operation with the Joint Committee on European Integration and Constitutional - Legal Affairs Committees of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly, in order to harmonize the Constitution and legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina with European laws. Also ensuring that procedures and legal and technical requests are compliant with the Rules of Procedure of the Parliamentary Assembly and other legislation - Participating in the sessions of the Parliamentary Assembly and committees and providing legal clarification with regard to the subject of discussion, upon request by the Secretary - Monitoring the development of legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe and comparing experiences - Preparing and organizing trainings for newly elected members of the Parliamentary Assembly on legislative and legal processes, in co-ordination with services from other parliaments - Jointly with the Department for Drafting and Publishing Legislation, participating in drafting the final version of the law and other acts of the Parliamentary Assembly, which are to be published in the ''Official Gazette of BiH'' - Co-ordinating with other departments and providing legal opinions upon request - Preparing draft contracts when the Parliamentary Assembly is the contracting party - Co-ordinating with other sections and offices to prepare information and other materials which are important for legislative procedures - Co-ordinating and exchanging information with the relevant services of parliaments from other countries - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Head: Azra Kost
Following departments are within International Relations and Protocol Section:
Department for Cooperation with International Organizations (Multilateral Relations)
Head: Teo Rogić
Department for Cooperation with International Organizations (Multilateral Relations) has the following functions: To carry out work related to monitoring and participation in the preparation of sessions of PA and its delegations’ work in the international organizations at multilateral level; to keep minutes of meetings and perform other professional activities for delegations and international organizations at multilateral level; to collect data, participate in preparing the reports and information for delegations and international organizations at multilateral level; to provide translation of documents from English into one of official languages of BiH for the Parliamentary Assembly, and vice-versa; to provide simultaneous translations at meetings in the Parliamentary Assembly and in meetings attended by Speakers and Deputy Speakers; to prepare documents on issues related to the implementation of BiH foreign policy, international, economic and other relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina with foreign countries as well other issues for delegations; accordingly to perform tasks related to the realization of direct parliamentary cooperation and other international collaborations, departure, reception and welcoming of delegations and officialsvisiting the Parliamentary Assembly; to study documents, initiatives and proposals submitted by international organizations to establish international cooperation; to provide an expert and documentary analysis of the respective issues and to inform delegations thereof; to monitor the implementation of delegations’ conclusions; to perform professional and other administrative-technical activities related to the delegations’ work, and perform other duties assigned by delegations; to cooperate with relevant institutions and their bodies in accomplishing tasks falling within the scope of delegations.
Bilateral Relations Department
Head: Jelena Rajaković
Bilateral Relations Department performs tasks that are related to establishment and development of bilateral parliamentary cooperation; it performs monitoring over bilateral agreement conclusion; it prepares platforms, agendas and other documents required for inter-parliamentary meetings at high level; it cooperates with BiH Ministry of foreign affairs in preparation of bilateral discussions; it provides initiatives, organizes meetings, monitors, analyses and and collects information on parliamentary activities of other countries; it initiates and cooperates with diplomatic and consular representatives accredited in BiH; it organizes official visits and participates in visits of foreign delegations and officials in BiH; it provides simultaneous and consecutive translation from and into b/h/s languages; it provides written translation of all documents related to the international bilateral cooperation, it keeps up-to-date internet site on activities of Department, prepares decisions on official visits to foreign countries for representatives, delegates and employees of the Secretariat.
Protocol Department
Protocol Department is in charge of performing protocol-related tasks, organizing and participating in receptions, visits, departures of both domestic and foreign representatives and delegations; it cooperates with other protocol institutions of BiH and related bodies of other institutions and organizations; it prepares and proposes programmes and runs protocol-related activities of official visits and departures of representatives or delegations from BiH and foreign countries; it provides translation regarding delegations’ official visits; it makes necessary reservation (rooms, accommodation, transport etc); it organizes timely recognition / reward and oath ceremonies, it prepares invitations and notices on the respective activities; it files and maintains whole documentation of protocol-related activities.
Head: Lejla Tafro - Sefić
Following departments are within Information – Documentation Section:
Documentation and Information Department
Head: Sonja Vrcić
Documentation and Information Department providing professional expertise to the members of the Parliamentary Assembly, expert associates, employees in the Parliamentary Assembly, and external users through the dissemination of information and documentation necessary for day to day work and scientific research, including legal, educational and other affairs - Registering, collecting, filing and processing Parliamentary Assembly documents, both in written and electronic form - Publishing transcripts and minutes from the plenary and joint sessions - Preparing and editing publications, brochures and catalogues about the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly - Developing and maintaining the database used for providing information about legislative activities - Developing statistical and analytical reviews on the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly - Developing a methodology for comparative analyses and planning - Developing electronic archives of stored documentation - Co-ordinating with other institutions - Exchanging information and establishing channels for information and documentation flow about the performance of administrative bodies at all levels - Performing other tasks, as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
Library Department
Head: Edina Fazlagić
Library Department providing professional assistance to library users (members of parliament, delegates and employees of the Parliamentary Assembly) in researching thematic requests, based on existing library holdings and currently available electronic databases - Assigning a class number and classifying library holdings by subject, which is crucial to the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and its publications - Establishing co-operation with libraries from the European parliaments and other related organizations, associations (IFLA –International Federation of Library Associations – Sector for Parliamentary Libraries, Association of Librarians of BiH, EICBIB – Electronic – Information Consortium of BiH, etc) and institutions in the country and abroad - Preparing information relevant for current sessions of the Houses, committees and working bodies of the Parliamentary Assembly, based on available sources - Responding to ECPRD requests - Monitoring and participating in the development and implementation of EUROVOC and other library standards - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
Proof Reading Department
Head: Lejla Nuhodžić
Proof Reading Department providing translations of laws and other acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Council of Ministers of BiH, Presidency of BiH, and other bodies and organizations, into languages in official use in BiH, when they are proponents of the acts which are to be considered and adopted in the Houses and committees of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH - Providing translations of documents from foreign languages (English, French, German and Italian) to languages in official use in BiH, and from languages in official use in BiH into foreign languages, as needed by the Parliamentary Assembly - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
Department for Publishing and Publications
Department for Publishing and Publications edits and issues publications of the Parliamentary Assembly in languages officially used in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in foreign languages in order to present and promote the work of the Parliamentary Assembly; it prepares promotional material for conferences, congresses, symposia, seminars, visits, hosting and presentations. The Department runs a complete technical and graphic preparation of publications, as well as all other materials prepared for publication; it also performs other tasks as stipulated by acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Research papersResearch Section preparing background materials on subjects/laws to be discussed during the session (brief reports/ comparative experiences) - Preparing reports on subjects/laws (conducting analytical reports, comprehensive analyses and studies) - Preparing analyses (law, economic and budget analyses, impact on environment, etc) - Monitoring the social and economic situation (basic economic data, economic, monetary and social indicators) - Providing opinions about the social consequences of law implementation - Preparing professional opinions (opinions by external experts) as requested by the Parliamentary Assembly - Providing a selection of periodicals of European Union laws, as requested by user - Providing expert material to committees, according to the content and context of proposed draft laws and other acts, including professional co-operation during the control of, and investigation of, activities by the committees - Maintaining objectivity while obtaining opinions from public institutions, associations, organizations, etc, that are necessary for the assessment of proposed acts considered in the Houses or committees - Preparing materials and introductory instructions and information about the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH at the beginning of the new mandate - Analyzing and processing information related to the activities of the EU, Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, OECD and other international organizations with regards to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH - Providing expert analyses and information about the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, legislation of BiH, and other economic, social and political issues of BiH, as requested by international organizations, national parliaments and other institutions - Co-ordinating and corresponding regularly with related services in the country and abroad - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
Head: Zlatko Vukmirović
Public Relations Sector maintaining communications with citizens, the domestic and international public, and the media in order to create a positive working environment, and improve the reputation of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH - Providing information about the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly through public statements and web presentations of the Parliamentary Assembly - Ensuring transparency on the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly - both Houses, working bodies and members of the Parliamentary Assembly - Organizing programmes for group visits to the Parliamentary Assembly and meetings with members of the Parliamentary Assembly, either individually or in co-operation with other sections in the Secretariat, or with the external counterparts - Organizing and assisting the media in its work, with the goal of achieving permanent quality reporting on the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly - Informing the media and other interested organizations and individuals of upcoming events at the Parliamentary Assembly - Preparing a weekly calendar of events at the Parliamentary Assembly - Preparing a daily overview of published information on the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly and members of the Parliamentary Assembly, individually or in co-operation with specialized agencies, and submitting it to the interested members of the Parliamentary Assembly - Preparing reactions to articles in the media, in co-operation with the Secretary of the Common Service, the Collegium of the Secretariat, and cabinets of the Speakers and Deputies Speakers of both Houses - In co-operation and accordance with the Section for International Relations and Protocol, informing the media on upcoming or completed visits, participation in in-country and international events and study visits of the members of the Parliamentary Assembly, organizing interviews with the members of the Parliamentary Assembly and the media during their official trips abroad, or preparing media statements during the trip - Designing, editing and developing publications about the Parliamentary Assembly, both Houses and their working bodies - Editing and publishing a parliamentary bulletin of the Parliamentary Assembly, in co-operation with the other sections of the Parliamentary Assembly, designing and developing a web presentation of the Parliamentary Assembly - Updating the web presentation and intranet of the Parliamentary Assembly, in co-operation with the Information and Technologies Section and other sections of the Parliamentary Assembly - Overseeing the application of the Parliamentary Assembly’s logo - Ensuring photo-documentation of the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly, both Houses, Collegia of both Houses, committees and members of the Parliamentary Assembly; - Ensuring activities are in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Information of BiH and ensuring registration of all applications sent to the Parliamentary Assembly; - Performing other duties as requested by the Secretary of the Common Service and Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Following departments are within Public Relations Sector:
Department of Information
Head: Zoran Žuža
Department on Information permanently gives information on work of the Parliamentary Assembly via statements and website of the PA; in co-operation with other departments in the PA, individually or in co-operation with specialized agencies, makes daily review of published information about the PA’s work and its members and submits it to interested members of the PA; in co-operation with secretary of the Common service, Collegium of Secretariat, with cabinets of speakers and deputy speakers of both Houses, writes reactions on newspapers headlines; in co-operation with the Sector for International Relations and Protocol, informs media on upcoming or completed visits, on participation of members of the Parliamentary Assembly at in-country and international meetings and study visits; performs other tasks determined in internal acts of the PA.
Head: Emina Šalinović
Following departments are within Common Services Section:
Registry Department
Head: Faruk Kurto
Registry Department assigning incoming mail to the working bodies and services of the Parliamentary Assembly - Updating the addresses of Members of the Parliamentary Assembly and other beneficiaries - Receiving and assigning Official Gazettes, newspapers, other publications, and forwarding them to the end users - Purchasing stationary, ensuring the purchase of necessary materials for the Registry, keeping records on materials costs and cash used for sending mail in the Parliamentary Assembly - Performing other tasks in line with the laws, by-laws and acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Employment Department
Head: Amila Tahirbegović
Employment Department organizing and implementing the human resources policy - Announcing vacancies and conducting assessments of candidates - Co-ordinating and monitoring the formation of selection panels and performing administrative-technical duties for selection panels - Keeping records of employees in the Parliamentary Assembly as stipulated by the law - Working on developing programmes for employee professional development in the Parliamentary Assembly - Organizing training for employees in the Parliamentary Assembly - Organizing professional and study visits for employees in the Parliamentary Assembly - Performing other tasks in accordance with the law and acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Operational – Technical Department
Head: Veljko Mastilo
Operational and Technical Department performing operational-technical tasks for the Secretariat - Typing - Installing sound wiring in the halls and making audio recordings of the sessions of the Houses, committees and other users - Installing and handling the equipment for simultaneous interpretation - Performing video streaming of plenary and committee sessions, postproduction, and preparing recorded material for archiving - Copying original texts, or matrices on copiers, for the needs of the Parliamentary Assembly - Scanning materials on copiers - Keeping records of copied materials - Upholding general technical standards - maintaining and servicing of printers, copiers and binding machines on a regular basis - Organizing and providing transport for official and protocol needs - Ensuring official vehicles are in good and clean condition - Keeping records on the usage of vehicles - Providing technical maintenance of halls and other premises of the Parliamentary Assembly on a regular basis, taking care of its booking for other users, and also undertaking all necessary activities for their maintenance on a regular basis - Keeping necessary records on bookings of the property to other users - Taking care of the keys and security of premises and property - Providing security officers for meetings taking place in the halls of the Parliamentary Assembly - Ensuring the decoration of the premises, in line with the requests of the building manager - Performing other duties in accordance with the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Head: Edina Adilović
Information – Technology Section developing information systems for the Parliamentary Assembly - Managing information systems for the Parliamentary Assembly - Testing and installing technical equipment and providing consulting services - Enabling the rapid uploading of general information and supporting materials related to the performance of the Parliamentary Assembly and committees onto the website of the Parliamentary Assembly in co-ordination with Public Relations Section - Organizing the establishment and maintenance of IT network and telecommunication lines - Ensuring the procurement, development and maintenance of the website - Ensuring the procurement, development and maintenance of the intranet - Digitizing legislative procedures - Performing other tasks as stipulated by the acts of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH..
Head: Sreten Čečar
Finance Section prepares proposals for the provision of funds for the work of the Parliamentary Assembly, proposals of financial plan and periodical financial statement as well as final annual financial statement; controls documents for payment and their accuracy according to the financial plan of the Parliamentary Assembly; analyzes trends in the costs for personal and material expenditures and other funds by the financial plan and prepares reports on the execution and the movement of these assets; coordinates, prepares and monitors the agreements and related documents for foreign investment; monitors the dynamic plan of the execution of Parliamentary Assembly budget; performs work and tasks in the field of finance and accounting areas; prepares reports on the financial execution of the budget of the Parliamentary Assembly and the annual operations of the Parliamentary Assembly; monitors bookkeeping records as a whole and their accuracy; directly monitors financial performance and keeps financial bookkeeping - bookkeeping records of changes in assets and sources of funds, revenues and expenditures of the external relations of the body; creates payment orders, submits payment orders for realization at payment operations body; performs salary calculation, MPs flat rate and creates orders for payment; creates supporting documents – salary sheet, orders to payment operations for settling commitments for wages and MPs' flat rates, specifications and other required documents as well as statistics reports, reports on compulsory insurance of employees in case of injury at work or professional illness and pension and disability insurance; calculates and processes the orders for payment of compensation of employees and members of the Parliamentary Assembly, the costs of staff, expenditures from operations with third private individuals, and prepares all the necessary documentation; creates payment orders for personal payments and submits them to the treasury for realization, keeps bookkeeping records on these payments; keeps material accounting of all assets of the Parliamentary Assembly, fixed assets, small inventory and supplies and monitors movement of such assets; conducts liquidation of material expenditures by the financial plan of the Parliamentary Assembly; performs work and tasks within the scope of treasury operations; keeps treasury diary, prepares treasury statements and keeps records on treasury operations; keep records of received and purchased presents of the Parliamentary Assembly; organizes activities of public procurement in accordance with BiH Law on Public Procurement; Sector is responsible for the legal implementation of public procurement procedures; prepares a procurement plan for the budget year; prepares statement to the contracting authority on the objection of bidders, prepares statement and submits documentation to the second instance authority regarding the appeal of bidders; keeps and provides access to all documentation relating to the public procurement to the Audit Office of BiH, performs other duties in accordance with the law and other acts of the Parliamentary Assembly.
Head: Renata Paškalj
Section for other Parliamentary Bodies cooperating with the Office of the Parliamentary Military Commissioner, Citizens' Complaint Board on Work of the Police Officers in Police Bodies in BiH and Independent Board of the BiH PA; performs expert, administrative and technical works for the Office of the Parliamentary Military Commissioner, Citizens' Complaint Board on Work of the Police Officers in Police Bodies in BiH and Independent Board of the BiH PA; performs all expert, administrative and technical works related to the work of investigative and ad hoc committees; cooperates with relevant institutions and their bodies in the implementation of tasks arising from the scope of the Office of the Parliamentary Military Commissioner, Citizens' Complaint Board on Work of the Police Officers in Police Bodies in BiH and Independent Board of the BiH PA; prepares analyzes, reports and information for the needs of other parliamentary bodies; conducts administrative proceedings for the necessity of other parliamentary bodies and the relevant records of the work of other parliamentary bodies.
Head: Dejan Vanjek
Section on EU integrations
Following departments are within Section on EU Integrations:
Department on European Issues, coordination and EU supporting programs
Head: Omar Filipović
Department on European Issues, coordination and EU supporting programs.
Parliamentarian Centre on European Integrations
Parliamentarian Centre on European Integrations
Head: Nedžad Goletić
Internal Audit Unit is a basic organizational unit and performs internal audit of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, of the Agency for the prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption, of the Agency for Personal Data Protection in BiH, the Office of appeals by the Public Procurement and of the Central Election Commission, according to the Law on internal audit and other by-laws prescribed by the Central Harmonization unit (CHU).
The unit performs the function of internal audit in accordance with the Law on Internal Audit of Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina; in accordance with the Decision on the adoption of a code of professional ethics for internal auditors in the institutions of BiH, the Charter of internal audit in the institutions of BiH, Guide for internal audit standards of internal audit in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Agreement on the performance of the internal audit function and other by-laws prescribed by the CHU.
Within the scope of the Unit is: drafting laws and operational guidelines on internal audit in accordance with the law and regulations; preparing strategic and annual plans for conducting internal audit; making of individual internal audit plans and the performing of internal audit (planning and preliminary activities, defining and registration of system / process / activities, assessment of internal control system, testing of internal controllers, internal rating system controller - recommendations for improvement of internal control system, reporting); monitoring the implementation of recommendations, registration and documentation of the audit process; initiating engagement of the necessary experts: cooperation with the general auditor of the Audit Office of BiH institutions or appointed auditor or other expert auditor in the exchange of reports, documents and opinions; issuing of the annual report of the internal audit and, where appropriate, periodically reports; cooperation with CHU and internal auditors in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at the other levels of government with the aim to improve the work and exchange of experiences in the field of internal audit; preparation of plans for training of internal auditors, efficient use of resources allocated to the Unit for the performance of the internal audit function; ensuring a high quality of internal audit activities and the application of the rules issued by the CHU's, performing other duties in accordance with laws and regulations governing the area of internal audit in BiH.