Kadić, Sead
House | House of Peoples |
Party | Party of Democratic Action |
Caucuse | Bosniac People Caucus |
Election unit / Entity | FBiH |
[email protected] |
(Additional information from the MP)
Date and place of birth | 02.11.1957, Bihać |
Occupation | Master of Technology |
Professional qualifications | University degree Level M.Tech. |
Field | Technical Sciences |
High school | Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering from 1972 to 1975 |
College | Senior School of Mechanical Engineering from 1975 to 1977 |
Faculty |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from 1995 to 2000 |
M.A. Degree | Bihać Faculty of Technical Sciences from 2000 to 2004 |
Professional experience | - Technical Director – Head of Technical Operations in Kombiteks , Bihać until 1992 - Member of the 5th Corps of the Army of Republic of BiH until 1995 - Officer in the Army of the Federation of BiH and afterwards in the Army of BiH until 2004 - Retired Officer in the Armed Forces of BiH until 2014 - Representative in the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH until 2015 |
Foreign languages | English – Working knowledge |