
The leadership of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH spoke with the Delegation of the Committee for National Security and Foreign Policy of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Šefik Džaferović and the Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), Safet Softić, spoke today with the delegation of the Committee for National Security and Foreign Policy of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, led by Committee’s chair, Alaodin Boroujerdi.

During the talks, it was highlighted that the political relations between two friendly countries are at a very high level and the members of the leadership of the PABiH have expressed their gratitude for the whole-hearted assistance provided by the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to its peoples and citizens. However, it has been emphasized that there is plenty of room for the improvement of economic cooperation and much greater trade in goods between two countries, especially if it is established with the mediation of foreign trade chambers and if it covers all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For this purpose, it was emphasized the need to create a space for presenting the potential and for better familiarization of the two countries' businessmen through the organization of business forums that Iran already has with the neighbouring countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The cooperation between the parliaments of BiH and Iran got the high grade, but still, as said, there is room for this cooperation to be improved at the level of working bodies and parliamentary friendship groups.

The guest from Iran spoke more about Iran's role in calming down the situation in Syria and the fight against ISIL. In that light, they offered the cooperation which Iranian security services have already with similar services from Western European countries, as it has been said, the engagement is most expressed in, monitoring, admission and security oversight over ISIL international fighters returning to their homeland. It was particularly emphasized the exchange of information and the cooperation with the security services of Germany and France, from which thousands of ISIL fighters have been recruited to the battlefields in the Middle East. (end)

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