
Members of the Collegiums of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly spoke with the delegation of the Croatian Parliament

The members of the Collegiums of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA), spoke today with the delegation of the Croatian Parliament led by the President of the Croatian Parliament Božo Petrov, which is in the official visit to our country.

During the open talks, it was jointly concluded that political relations between two neighbouring and friendly countries are at high level. The Republic of Croatia is perceived as a friendly country and an important partner in the Euro-Atlantic path of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as a significant actor in the stability of the entire region. However, at the same time, the interlocutors stressed the need to work more devotedly, in a true partnership relation, on the further development and strengthening of mutual trust that will help also to improve all relations and to eliminate a large number of outstanding issues. In this light, they have called to abstain and to avoid any statement and ambiguous message that could lead us back to the past and keep us constantly imprisoned in the recent past.

Emphasizing the issues that burden in certain extent the relations between two countries, the members of the Collegiums of the Houses of the BiH PA stressed today especially the need for the final definition of the common border, unresolved problems in the area of social security, protection of the rights of citizens who were dismissed during the period 1991 - 1995, also the necessity to resolve the issues related to the succession as well as other issues. The fact is, as it was said, that it is mostly about the areas for which are directly responsible the executive authorities of BiH and Croatia, while the parliaments of the two countries today were described as possible and necessary corrective for all eventual unbalanced solutions. The guests and the members of the leadership of BiH PA assessed that it is good to have an intensive dialogue between BiH and Croatia, also the idea to hold ​​a joint session of the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Croatian government, with unresolved issues in its agenda, is a good model for the efficient solution of these issues, and they all have welcomed its organisation.

According to members of the delegation of the Croatian Parliament, the Republic of Croatia, as one of signatories of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the first neighbour of BiH, is interested in a stable Bosnia and Herzegovina and in that context Croatia respects its sovereignty and territorial integrity and opposes any separatism and unitarism that could undermine its constitutional structure. As much as Croatia can, Croatia will help to make quality solutions and welcomes the efforts that go in direction of the constitutional changes and modifications of the Election law that will contribute to it. As it was said, Croatia has openly offered the Euro-Atlantic partnership and it is up to Bosnia and Herzegovina to set its own goals and priorities.

The members of the Collegiums of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, who are hosts to the delegation of the Croatian Parliament, have expressed today their gratitude for the support that Croatia is giving to our country on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration. At the same time, they have invited our first neighbours to support also, along with their constitutional obligation to help the Croats in BiH, the solutions that will satisfy all citizens and peoples in BiH and that will contribute to the prosperity and the establishment of lasting stability in our country and in whole region (end).

Public relations department