
Member of the Permanent Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina of PACE, Borjana Krišto participated in a meeting of the Subcommittee on the European Social Charter

Member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Borjana Krišto participated in a meeting of the Subcommittee on the European Social Charter, which was held in Torino.

The Subcommittee, which operates under the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, adopted a Declaration in which they expressed concern about the influence of austerity programs on standards relating to social rights.

In order to give new impetus to the protection of social rights across Europe, the Subcommittee calls on European governments and parliaments by this Declaration to strengthen the protection of social rights and the mechanisms that apply to them. It is argued, further, that it is necessary to encourage member countries to adopt austerity programs only after they consult social partners in accordance with the European Social Charter, to assess the impact of recent austerity measures on social and democratic rights and, if necessary, to encourage the adoption of programs to restore rights and institutions for social dialogue and to be more dynamic and re-establish the crucial role of the European Social Charter.

The Declaration, inter alia, pays special attention to mechanisms for the protection of social rights, which highlights the need to continue the promotion of the full ratification and implementation of the revised European Social Charter, to abolish all national restrictions that apply to particular members of the Charter by accepting all of its provisions.

Member of the Permanent Delegation of BiH PA of PACE, Borjana Krišto also participated in a High Level Conference on the European Social Charter, which was also held in Torino.
It is, otherwise, a document which Bosnia and Herzegovina signed in May 2004 and ratified in October 2008, and pledges to provide citizens with right to employment, legal and social protection, as well as the right to education, health and housing. (End)

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