
Management of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina spoke with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Members of the Collegium of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina spoke today with Lars Gunnar-Wigemark, the Head of EU Delegation to BiH and EU Special Representative in BiH.

In an open conversation they all agreed that recently completed Twinning Project in support of the EU parliaments in Bosnia and Herzegovina fully met the expectations and represents a good basis for the future work. 

Therefore, they particularly emphasized the adjustment and adoption of coordination mechanism between the parliaments in BiH in the European integration process. That was a big step towards the implementation of the inter-parliamentary cooperation which was one of the requests from the Progress Report 2015 for BiH.

Mr.Wigemark welcomed the establishment of the European Union Unit in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosna and Herzegovina pointing out that it is the indicator of determination of the highest legislative body in BiH to play more active role in the process of achieving the European standards. 

Also, they discussed today the possibilities for further EU support to the parliaments in BiH as well as to Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole on its path towards the EU membership. If our country is willing, in the time coming, to submit the application for European Development Fund, it will be necessary to develop the joint strategies for particular fields, such as the agriculture, energy, and other fields, the Ambassador Wigermark said. In that way, the directions in development will be precisely defined, on the basis of which stronger EU support can be obtained. (End)

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