Member of the House of Representatives and member of the Delegation of PA BiH to PD CEI Predrag Kožul participated in the meeting of the Committee for Economic Affairs PD CEI

Member of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH) and member of the PA BiH Delegation in the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative (PD CEI) Predrag Kožul participated today in the Italian city of Matera in the meeting of the Economic Affairs Committee of the PD CEI, which was dedicated to the role of CEI in promoting the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
In his address to the meeting participants, Kožul said that Bosnia and Herzegovina, having gone through the same experience of war, could best understand Ukraine. He reminded that the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ended with the conclusion of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Dayton at the initiative of the USA, and that the achieved peace is not perfect, but, as he said, any peace is better than the horrors of war.
According to Kožul, Ukraine will face challenges like those faced by Bosnia and Herzegovina. He added that Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a small country, cannot offer Ukraine material aid, but it can help in the exchange of experiences and good practices in the transition period after the war.
Kožul said that Bosnia and Herzegovina is at the disposal of friends from Ukraine to share experiences in the field of demining, the return of displaced persons, and the establishment of infrastructure and reconstruction.
He expressed gratitude to the hosts for the organization and choice of Matera as the venue for the PD CEI Economic Affairs Committee meeting, since, as he said, this Italian city, which was declared the European Capital of Culture five years ago, is a symbol of recovery from the destruction of war and prosperity.
The highest officials of both houses of the Parliament of the Republic of Italy, as well as officials of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, also addressed the participants of the meeting. (end)
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