
The members of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly are participating in the spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Sofia

The Chairman of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PSNATO), Kemal Ademović, and the Deputy Chairman of the Delegation, Obren Petrović, are participating in the spring session of the PANATO being held in Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria.

The introductory days of the spring session of the PANATO are marked by sessions of all the Assembly's committees, during which reports to be discussed and adopted at the upcoming annual session of the PANATO in Montreal are debated.

As part of the discussion on the Preliminary Draft Report of the Subcommittee on Future Security and Defense Capabilities, titled "Western Balkans: Renewed Security Challenges on NATO's Doorstep," presented by Lord Mark Lancaster, the Chairman of the Delegation of PABiH, Kemal Ademović, also addressed the session.

Chairman Ademović welcomed the comprehensiveness of the report and the discussion on the security situation within it. He emphasized the united stance of NATO member countries in assisting collectively in addressing challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, he also expressed concern about the fact that our country is even mentioned as a NATO partner at risk, as well as the limited ability of BiH institutions to respond to the challenges they face.

Members of the Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Kemal Ademović and Obren Petrović, also held a bilateral meeting with Lord Mark Lancaster, who is a member of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Members of the PABiH Delegation expressed their gratitude to Lord Lancaster for his dedication to the Western Balkans region and his precise analysis of the situation. They emphasized their commitment to peace, security, and stability, both in the country and in the region. They noted that the report largely reflects the actual situation and highlighted the issue of the eastern border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly the insufficient number of staff employed in the Border Police of BiH, which, as stated, could have potential security implications in the future. Additionally, they discussed the escalating rhetoric in the political sphere, contributing to the sensitivity of the security situation.

Lord Lancaster emphasized that throughout his career and his time spent in the Western Balkans, he has indeed witnessed progress in the region. He expressed gratitude for the detailed insight into the situation within Bosnia and Herzegovina and left the door open for additional suggestions in further stages of examination of the report, as it is currently in the preliminary draft phase. (end)

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