
The Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kemal Ademović, received an inaugural visit from the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bosnia and Herzegovina

“The Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), Kemal Ademović, received today an inaugural visit from the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkaman.

Speaker Ademović and Ambassador Torkaman noted that the relations between the two countries are good and friendly, emphasizing that they can further develop in terms of inter-parliamentary co-operation, economy, and culture.

Speaker Ademović conveyed his best wishes to Ambassador Torkaman for a successful term in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Statement from the Office of the Speaker of the House of Peoples, Kemal Ademović)

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