
The Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 61st annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Members of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), Chairman Nikola Lovrinović and a member of the Delegation Asim Sarajlić, are participating at the 61st annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the plenary session of which commenced today in the Norwegian city of Stavanger. 

The Resolution adopted during the plenary session expressed full and continuing support to the process of NATO enlargement. In addition to support for Montenegro's membership in NATO, the Resolution provides support for the membership aspirations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Macedonia. 

At the opening of the plenary session, participants were addressed by the Speaker of the NATO PA, Michael Turner, NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, and on behalf of the host, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway, Erna Solberg. 

Meetings of all five NATO PA Committees were held on the eve of the session, with discussions on the relations between NATO and Russia, Russia's military action in Syria, the current situation in Ukraine, and the global challenges resulting from the migrant/refugee crisis. 

During the committee meetings, the NATO PA repeatedly confirmed its commitment to the “open door” policy and NATO enlargement. It was emphasized that Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions are expected to implement the initiatives of NATO Summit in Wales, as well as to fulfil of the conditions for the activation of the Membership Action Plan (MAP). 

On the sidelines of the NATO PA session in Stavanger, the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which included the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Kingdom of Norway, Emir Poljo, also had meetings with members of the respective delegations of Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia. During these meetings the need to intensify regional co-operation and exchange of good practice and initiatives was noted, as was the readiness of the region to continue providing mutual support on the road to European and Euro-Atlantic integration. (End)

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