
Bosnia and Herzegovina undertook the chairmanship of COSAP

Zdenka Džambas, the member of Joint Committee for European Integration of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, took part at the eleventh meeting of South-East Europe Conference of parliamentary committees on European Integration of States participating in Stabilization and Association Process (COSAP) which was held today in Tirana.
Namely, Ms.Džambas was the moderator of closing panel ''Parliamentary Approach to the Berlin process.'' Bosnia and Herzegovina has thus officially undertaken the chairmanship of COSAP that will last until twelfth meeting of COSAP to be held in Sarajevo in spring 2016.

Besides the representative of the Parliamentary Assembly, this meeting brought together parliamentary delegations from Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, as well as the guests and representatives of Turkey and Kosovo, and was marked by discussions on closer regional cooperation and parliamentary challenges. During the discussion, the emphasis was on the need for joint operations of COSAP member states in order to resolve the outstanding issues through constructive dialogue and mutual communication and cooperation. The biggest emphasis was put on the role of parliaments in the process of establishment of better and more effective regional cooperation. It was stated that parliaments need to work harder in adoption of relevant regulations and keep achieving the consensus on vital issues concerning the supervision over the adequate implementation of key reforms.

The participants of this meeting also discussed the encouragement of comprehension and interaction among the actors in the European integration process, and they emphasized the need for involving all the spheres of social and political life in the European integration process of the South-East Europe countries.

During the panel moderated by Ms.Džambas, the participants of the Conference concluded that the existence of the new EU initiatives is of crucial importance in terms of active work of the Western Balkan countries in the European integration process. On that occasion, the opinions that confirm the commitment of the Western Balkan towards EU integration were highlighted. Also, the emphasis was put on support for all countries of the region on this path. The members especially emphasized the neccessity of the realization of the initiative for establishment of a parlamentary forum within the framework of the Berlin process. (End)

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