
Members of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe spoke with the Speaker of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

The Chairman of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Senad Šepić and members of the Permanent Delegation, Željko Komšić and Saša Magazinović met today in Sarajevo with the Speaker of the PACE Anne Brasseur. They discussed the current political situation in BiH and the results of the six-month Chairmanship of BiH of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers.

Ms. Brasseur highlighted the achievements of the Chairmanship of BiHand its choice of priorities which included the area of interreligious dialogue. The Speaker of the PACE stressed that the Chairmanship of BiH would prove beneficial for the Council of Europe, and BiH itself, which has, in the last six months, played an active and visible role, both in the Western Balkans and in the whole of Europe. 

Assessing the current political situation as an opportunity for BiH to speed up the path towards the European Union (EU), the officials agreed that it is necessary to increase political stability, and push for further reforms, especially in the socio - economic sphere, so that citizens can feel the benefits of EU membership. 

It was agreed that the role of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH in placing checks on the executive authorities and advancing reforms in line with the European integration process should be strenghtened. 

Ms. Brasseur visited BiH to attend the two-day conference titled The Religious Dimension of Intercultural Dialogue, which was held in Sarajevoand jointly organized by the Council of Europe and the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees (end)

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