
Members of the Collegium of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina met with members of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with BiH and Kosovo

Ognjen Tadić, the Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Šefik Džaferović, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, met today in Sarajevo with the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with BiH and Kosovo. They discussed the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, as well as the progress and obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards European Union.

Members of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with BiH and Kosovo, led by the President of the Delegation, Tonino Picula, expressed their satisfaction with the fact that they will establish the Parliamentary Committee on Stabilisation and Association (PCSA) as the institution that represents the parliamentary dimension of implementing of SAA between BiH and EU, together with the members of the Joint Committee on European Integration of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
European parliamentarians assessed that now the new climate is present in all institutions of our country and, as it was emphasized, it should be used for the acceleration of BiH's EU path. 

Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation pointed out that establishing of PCSA, as the obligation provided by SAA, represents the significant date for both BiH and EU. In that way, EU remains committed to the enlargement process and the European perspective of our country and the Western Balkan countries as well. 
European parliamentarians welcomed the progress that BiH has lately achieved in the economic field and urged the authorities to accelerate judicial reform and strengthen the fight against crime and corruption.

Members of the Collegium of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ognjen Tadić and Šefik Džaferović, confirmed that BiH institutions are committed creating of good climate for accelerating the European path of our country. They also welcomed establishing of PCSA and wished a successful work to the Committee whose task is to create and monitor the realization of SAA implementation as well as further progress of BiH towards EU membership. 
Emphasizing the fact that a condition for implementing the reforms in BiH is a stable political scene, members of the Collegium both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina informed the European Parliament Delegation that defining of mechanism of coordination is in the process. They also introduced them with the phase of fulfilment of reform agenda and other requirements for BiH in order to submit a credible application for EU membership candidate status at the end of this year.

Head of Mission of BiH to the EU, the Ambassador Lidija Topić and Head of the EU Delegation to BiH and the EU Special Representative in BiH, the Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark were also present at the meeting of the members of the Collegium of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and European parliamentarians. (End) 

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