Collegium of the Secretariat

Members of the Collegium

Work of the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH is managed by the Collegium of the Secretariat consisting of the Secretary of the House of Representatives, Secretary of the House of Peoples and the Secretary of the Common Service.

Members of the Collegium of the Secretariat in mandate 2022 - 2026

  • Dražen Mustapić

    Secretary of the House of Representatives
    (appointed 26.07.2024.)

  • Gordana Živković

    Secretary of the House of People
    (appointed 13.3.2019.)

  • Mirza Imamović

    Secretary of the Common Service
    (appointed 10.7.2020.)

  • Ime Prezime

    Marin Vukoja

    Secretary of the House of Representatives
    (18.12.2019. - 29.05.2024.)