Petković, Milan
House | House of Representatives |
Party | United Srpska |
Caucuse | Caucus of members of the Serbian Caucus |
Election unit / Entity | General elections 2022. - RS / Election Unit 1 |
[email protected] | |
Social links |
(Additional information from the MP)
Date and place of birth | 10.5.1984, Banjaluka |
Occupation |
Lawyer |
Professional qualifications | University degree |
Field |
Law graduate |
High school | Gymnasium, Srbac, 2003. |
Faculty |
Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka, 2010. |
M.A. Degree | He is attending postgraduate studies at the University of East Sarajevo from 2022. |
Ph.D | |
Other / Specializations |
Bar exam in Sarajevo in 2013. Bar exam in Banja Luka in 2015. |
Professional experience |
Law office of Milan D. Petković, Banja Luka 2015 - to date Law office of Mr. Mirko Dabić, Banja Luka 2011 - 2015 |
Foreign languages | English |
- Committee for election and monitoring over the work of Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption
- Committee for the Preparation of the Election of the BiH Council of Ministers
- Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Constitutional-Legal Committee of the House of Representatives
- Joint Committee on Human Rights