Bosić, Mladen
House | House of Representatives |
Party | Serb Democratic Party |
Caucuse | Caucus of SDS - PDP - FOR JUSTICE AND ORDER |
Election unit / Entity | General elections 2022. - RS / Election Unit 2 |
[email protected] |
- Delegation of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
- Delegation of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
- Parliamentary Assembly of the South – East European Cooperation Process (PASEECP)
- Representative in the House of Representatives in Parliamentary Assembly of BiH 2010 - 2014.
- Representative in the House of Representatives in Parliamentary Assembly of BiH 2014 - 2018. - Speaker / Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives
- Delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH 2018 – 2022.