Krišto, Borjana
House | House of Peoples |
Party | Croatian Democratic Union of BiH |
Caucuse | Croat People Caucus |
Election unit / Entity | FBiH |
(Additional information from the MP)
Date and place of birth | 13/08/1961, Livno |
Occupation | Graduate Lawyer |
Professional qualifications | University degree |
High school | High School of Economics from 1976 to 1980 |
Faculty |
Faculty of Law from 1980 to 1984 |
Other / Specializations | Bar examination until 2001 |
Professional experience | Delegate in the BiH PA House of Peoples since 2011 President of the Federation BiH until 2011 Minister in the Government of the FBiH until 2007 Secretary in the Government of Herzeg-Bosnia Canton until 2003 Minister of Justice and Administration in the Government of Herzeg-Bosnia Canton until 2001 Worked as a Graduate Lawyer in enterprises until 1999 |
Foreign languages | French |
- Committee for election and monitoring over the work of Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption
- The Committee on Foreign and Trade Policy, Customs, Transportation and Communications
- Constitutional-Legal Committee of the House of Peoples
- Joint Committee on Administrative Affairs
- Joint Committee on European Integration
- Joint Committee on Defence and Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina