
A member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA) in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Ismeta Dervoz, will chair a meeting of Council of Europe experts in Sarajevo

A member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA) in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Ms. Ismeta Dervoz, will chair a two-day meeting of Council of Europe experts from Great Britain, Cyprus, Kosovo, Albania, the Netherlands and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, to support the development of a report on the '' Role of Industrial Heritage'', to be prepared by Ms. Dervoz, Member of Parliament and member of the Committee for Science, Education, Culture and Media in the Council of Europe.

In addition to contributing to the development of a report on ''Industrial Heritage in Crisis and Post-Crisis Situations'', the experts will share knowledge and experiences from their work on the ground in South-East Europe, Cyprus, Georgia and areas of Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh. The meeting, co-organized with the General Directorate of the Council of Europe (DG II), will be held in the premises of the Council of Europe in Sarajevo.

Ms. Dervoz, as rapporteur, emphasized that industrial heritage and cultural diversity encompass heritage and creativity and can serve as a positive force for creating inter-cultural dialogue, tolerance restoration and for accelerating the reconciliation process, creating social stability and reconstruction in crisis and post-crisis situations.

During their stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the experts will visit the restored Sarajevo City Hall, Mostar and Pocitelj. (end)

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