
Ismeta Dervoz is in Paris at a session of the Committee on Non-Discrimination and Equality of PACE

Member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA) in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the first vice-president of the Committee for non-discrimination and equality of PACE, Ismeta Dervoz, will participate in a session of the Committee, which will be held in Paris on Monday, 8 September 2014.

As announced by PACE, on the Committee’s agenda will be, amongst other things, discussions on the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention, which will be officially announced at an international conference to be held in Rome on 18 and 19 September 2014.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is the sixth of the member countries of PACE to sign and ratify the Convention, which is, so far, the most powerful legal instrument for preventing and combating domestic violence and violence against women.

During the one-day meeting in Paris, Committee members will have the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics and to exchange views with Mrs Brigitte Gonthier - Maurin, Chairman of the Delegation for Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities of the Senate of France. (End)

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