
Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives, Dr. Božo Ljubić, was in Oslo at the European Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of the Member States of the Council of Europe

Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Božo Ljubić, participated, on the 11 and 12 September 2014, in the European Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of the Member States of the Council of Europe in Oslo.

At the opening of the Conference, to mark the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Norwegian Constitution, participants were welcomed by the President of the Parliament of the host country, Olemic Thommessen, and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mrs. Anne Brasseur.

During the Conference, Dr. Ljubić delivered a speech under the first topic discussed at the meeting, titled "Fundamental constitutional rights and freedoms - participation, trust and public debate as a condition of democracy."

Participants of the conference, which is held every two years in a member state of the Council of Europe, discussed two themes - "Democracy, Sovereignty and Security in Europe" and "The Majority and the Opposition - to Establish a Balance in a Democracy." (End)

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