
The Chairman of the House of Peoples, Dr. Dragan Čović, spoke with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Dragan Čović, met with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Christian Hellbach.

Chairman Čović welcomed the Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, wishing him success in his future diplomatic work and expressing his belief in the continuation of successful cooperation between the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the institutions of BiH.

The politico-economic situation, social and economic conditions, general elections and the Euro-Atlantic integration process in Bosnia and Herzegovina were discussed. Within this framework, Dr. Čović informed Ambassador Hellbach of the current political situation and relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

One of the topics to which particular attention was paid, was social conditions and accumulated numerous economic problems. In this context, Chairman Čović stressed the need for urgent implementation of the election results and the necessity of prioritizing their resolution. He also stressed that a safe legal state is a condition for intensification of foreign investment in our country.

Dr. Čović and Ambassador Hellbach’s mutual assessment was that the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the European Union. Experiences, support and assistance from other countries are welcome but the responsibility and willingness to implement key reforms lie with domestic institutions, said the Chairman of the House of People of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Dragan Čović. (End)

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