
Members of the Collegium of the House of Peoples spoke with the President of the Parliament of Iran

Safet Softić, the Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and Ognjen Tadić, the Deputy Speaker, met with Ali Ardeshir Larijani, their host, the President of the Iranian Parliament during the official working visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Thanking for the invitation sent to the Delegation to visit friendly Iran, Speaker Softić said that relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran are very friendly and that the resurgence of political connections should contribute also to the development of economic, cultural and any other type of cooperation. Speaker Softić added that the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina will not forget the help from Iran when it was most needed.

According to the President Larijani, the people of Iran are happy that terrible wars and sufferings are behind Balkan countries and he expressed full support for the European path of our country, especially since, as he said, closer cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina today, being the future member of the European family, will mean a stronger cooperation with the European Union tomorrow, which is one of strategic foreign policy goals of Iran.

Ognjen Tadić, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples, pointed out that the mission of the members of parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran is to create rules for the future and not for the past and, that in the light of the order which is being created in the world, it is important to understand the multipolarity of large regions which exchange positive values between themselves. One of those regions is just the region in which Iran and Tehran have a central role, he added.

It was noted that the inter-parliamentary cooperation between the two countries is important, and in addition to the need for more frequent and more intense communication between parliament’s Speakers, closer cooperation between the parliamentary friendship groups is required.

During the exchange of views on terrorism as a current global problem, Speaker Softić welcomed the active role of Iran in solving of problems in the region, noting that it is the evil against which the progressive forces can fight only in a systematic and unified way. (end)

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