
The Collegiums of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina talked with the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Croatia

Members of the Collegiums of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina met today with Andrej Plenković, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia’s Government, during his official working visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In an open discussion, the hosts expressed their satisfaction with the fact that relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia are without significant problems and are developing, but it was also pointed out that it is expected that a minor number of open issues will be solved in a good atmosphere in the near future. Furthermore, satisfaction was expressed with the fact that after he assumed his new position, the new Prime Minister Plenković’s first visit was exactly to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which confirmed his words that relations with our country and the Euro-Atlantic path of Bosnia and Herzegovina are the highest Croatian foreign policy priority. In this regard, members of the Collegiums of both Houses thanked for the support which Croatia provides to our country’s reform processes that contribute to the achievement of key foreign policy objectives of BiH.

As it was said today, Bosnia and Herzegovina has some major work to do in the forthcoming period in order to establish a better constitutional structure, to implement the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights and the BiH Constitutional Court as well as to amend the provisions of the BiH Election Law. That way, as it was said, better space will be created for socio-economic reforms which are often dimmed by pending political issues.

It was also said during today’s meeting that it is expected that the European Commission’s Questionnaire for preparation of an opinion on the application for EU membership of our country will be delivered at the beginning of December. Based on our answers, the readiness of BiH will be evaluated to get the candidate status and to open accession negotiations with the EU, and Mr. Plenković offered today all necessary assistance in answering the Questionnaire, because it is a process that Croatia, in not so distant past, has successfully completed.

Members of the Collegiums of Houses expressed satisfaction with the fact that the relations between the parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia are very good, which is in accordance with the policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina to constantly raise the cooperation with neighbouring countries to a higher level. It was also emphasized that the two friendly countries need to continue with the good cooperation at the regional level. (End)


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