
Gender Equality Week marked at the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH

 The Gender Equality Committee of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH (BiH PA), supported by the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH and the OSCE Mission to BiH, organized a series of events to mark Gender Equality Week.

On this occasion, a thematic session on “Gender and Natural Disasters” was held, to present the activities of institutions, NGOs and other actors related to gender and the nature of natural disasters, with special emphasis on last year’s floods in BiH.

The facts and findings from a number of analyses around the world and from analyses conducted after the floods in BiH and neighbouring countries, indicate that gender equality, gender relations and gender roles, like natural disasters, differ in geographical, cultural, political-economic and social conditions, and therefore have complex social effects on women and men.

It was concluded that women and girls worldwide are more at risk of natural disasters when it comes to mortality, negative health effects and existential threats, as a result of the economic damage which always accompany such natural phenomena.

In addition, it was noted that the recent devastating floods in BiH indicate that the greatest impact of disaster on livelihood was in the areas of agriculture and the informal economy, where women make up a large proportion of the workforce.

Since women are marginalized in agriculture due to factors of ownership and access to resources, it was outlined that they face the greatest obstacles in the recovery period, and therefore often cannot determine ownership, be entitled to insurance or other benefits.

At the thematic session, it was announced that the aftermath of a natural disaster requires the greater engagement of women in unpaid work and household care, which further reduces possibility of earning income and maximising their potential.

Representatives of the entity committees for gender equality; the Brčko District Assembly of BiH’s Committee for Gender Equality; State and entity gender institutional mechanisms; civil defence; ministries of security and defence; NGOs; international organizations and embassies in BiH participated at thematic session.

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