
Members of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe spoke with the co-rapporteurs of the PACE Monitoring Committee in Strasbourg

The Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Coucil of Europe (PACE), on the margins of the spring session of PACE that is held in Starsbourg, met with the co-rapporteurs of the PACE Monitoring Committee for BiH, Roger Gale and Egidijus Vareikis.

Monitoring Committee members informed the members of the Delegation on a foreseen visit to our country that should be organized in june 2016. During the visit, the facts about political situation in our country will be collected.

After the visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the basis of the collected facts, the rapporteurs will make a report to be discussed at the PACE plenary session in the first half of the next year. It is a report that, unlike the previous reports addressing the operations of democratic instutions in BiH, will be the full report on political situation in BiH and the fulfillment of post-accession commitments.

Members of the PACE Monitoring Committee thanked to the members of the Delegation, composed of the Chairman of the Delegation, Senad Šepić, his Deputy Borjana Krišto, and the members of the Delegation, Milica Marković and Saša Magazinović, for the interest and regular communication, which is one of the preconditions for a succesful cooperation and the fulfillment of the remaining post-accession commitments of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They also congratulated Bosnia and Herecegovina once again for the succesful chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. (End)

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