
The Delegation of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) and Chinese officials in Shanghai discussed the possibilities of economic cooperation between China and BiH

Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) Ognjen Tadić, Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples Safet Softić and Chairperson of the Croatian Delegates Caucus in the House of Peoples of the PABiH Lilja Zovko, spoke with highest Chinese officials in Shanghai about the possibilities of more intensive economic cooperation between the two friendly countries on the first day of their working bilateral visit to People’s Republic of China.

The PABiH House of Peoples high level delegation was received by the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Chairman Wu Zhiming who, after Speaker Tadić’s plea, has expressed willingness to encourage companies and businessmen in Shanghai, more than 20,000 of them, to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Mr. Zhiming, the envoy of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Chairman Yu Zhengsheng who invited the Delegation of the PABiH House of Peoples to visit China, informed distinguished guests with the rapid development of Shanghai, today’s leading industrial, economic and financial centre of China.
According to Zhiming, with its 24 million inhabitants Shanghai is the leading seaport in the world, and it leads also in electricity generation, shipbuilding, air transport, car manufacturing and in the financial sector. In the city of Shanghai, which is, according to Zhiming, the driving force of the Chinese and world economy, there are several hundreds of the world's largest banks and companies, more than eight million cars are produced yearly, and from 1600 to 1800 airplanes land daily at the two airports. As compared to the last year, the public revenues have increased by more than 30 percent in Shanghai, and Chinese companies from this city invest in almost all countries of the world, said Zhiming.

Mr. Tadić congratulated the management of Shanghai and the People's Republic of China on the tremendous global success achieved on the economic and the political level, whilst respecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and equality of every member of the United Nations.

Emphasizing that BiH, providing it’s peace and stability is preserved, has enormous development potentials, Tadić said that China is recognized as a strategic partner, which is why, he pointed out, BiH is one of the most active countries participating in the Chinese programme 16 + 1 for Central and Southeast Europe.
Assessing that the presence of the Chinese economy and investments can bring stability to the South East Europe region, Tadić urged Chinese companies, especially those dealing with energy and the construction of road infrastructure, as well as representatives of Chinese banks to invest throughout the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Tadić also called for the continuance of good cooperation in the fields of science and culture, as well as for the increase of exchange of scientists, professors and students.
High level delegation of the PABiH House of Peoples will visit tomorrow several leading energy, railway and aviation industry companies in Shanghai.

Working visit to China will be continued on Friday in Beijing, where the Delegation of the PABiH House of Peoples will be received by the highest Chinese officials. Meetings at the highest level are scheduled with the Chairman of the National People's Congress, Zhang Dejiang, as well as with the host of the visit, the Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Yu Zhengsheng. (End)

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