
A member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ismeta Dervoz, at the meeting of the Committee for Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

A member of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA), Ismeta Dervoz, will participate in the meeting of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from 5-6 March 2012 in Paris.

It was announced that discussions on “Ethics of Science,” “European Cultural and Educational Policies through National Parliaments,” “Geographical Consolidation and International Openness of the European Higher Education Area”and “Institutions Management in the European Higher Education Area” will be held on the first day of the meeting.

On 6 March, it was announced that there would be discussions, adoption of draft resolutions and recommendations on “A Need to Fight Match – Fixing,” “Good Governance and Ethics in Sports,” “the Right of Families’ Freedom of Choice in Education in Europe,” “An Approach to, and Protection of, Audio-Visual Cultural Heritage” and “Jewish Cemeteries.” (end)

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