
Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina on a Study Visit to the European Parliament

Members of the House of Representatives and delegates of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), who are on a study visit to the European Parliament in Brussels, discussed the issue of “Partnership and Cooperation in Supporting Democracy between the European Parliament and PABiH” with Armelle Douaud, Director of DG EXPO - Directorate for Democracy Support, and her associates today. 

During the meeting, it was emphasised that the European Parliament strongly supports Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to the European Union (EU) and that this visit presents an opportunity for the exchange of views and experiences, with a particular focus on strengthening the Parliament as the institution that will be the main actor in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s path to the EU. It was noted that the process of European integration is currently primarily occurring between the European Commission and the executive branch, but parliaments have a special responsibility and are very significant given the depth and duration of the EU integration process.   

According to Director Douaud, DG EXPO's mission is to support the development and enhancement of capacities in the parliaments of candidate countries, with a particular commitment to enhancing dialogue and consensus. They also support young political leaders within the “Jean Monnet Dialogue.”   

As highlighted at the beginning of the study visit to the European Parliament in Brussels, this is an opportunity for DG EXPO to receive firsthand information from Bosnian and Herzegovinian parliamentarians regarding the areas where cooperation needs to be further strengthened, and there was a mutual commitment to enhancing cooperation and supporting the activities of PABiH's working bodies, particularly in legislative activities related to European integration.

During today's proceedings, members of the PABiH will discuss the country's progress and challenges with representatives of the European Commission. They will focus on the role of the Council of the EU in the enlargement process, the next steps towards membership, and the balance between expectations and obligations on the path to EU membership.

The continuation of the study visit to the European Parliament in Brussels will be marked by discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing Bosnia and Herzegovina on its journey to the EU, involving members of the European Parliament, as well as a discussion on the role of parliaments in the accession process and examples of best practices. A panel presentation titled “How to Build Consensus in the European Parliament” is also scheduled, along with a discussion on the roles of rapporteurs, political groups, and shadow rapporteurs. 

On the third day of the study visit, organised by the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG), members of the PABiH will take part in a simulation exercise on dialogue and consensus-building in the European Parliament. They will also discuss 'The Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and BiH: Current Status and Necessary Reforms on the European Path' with the European Parliament’s rapporteur for BiH, Ondřej Kolář, as well as MEPs Helmut Brandstätter and Irena Joveva.   

The study visit to the European Parliament includes members of the House of Representatives of the PABiH Milan Dunović, Šerif Špago, Nenad Grković, Jasmin Emrić, Rejhana Dervišević, as well as delegates in the House of Peoples of the PABiH Zdenko Ćosić, Dženan Đonlagić, Radovan Kovačević, Džemal Smajić, Nenad Vuković, and Safet Softić.  (End)

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