
The Speaker of the House of Peoples, Dr Dragan Čović, received the Ambassador of Sweden

The Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr Dragan Čović, met today with the Ambassador of Sweden to Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Bosse Hedberg. Politico-economic affairs and relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina were discussed during the meeting with special emphasis on reform processes and the priorities which need to be clearly defined on the road to Euro-Atlantic integration.

The Speaker, Dr Čović, informed Ambassador Hedberg in depth about activities such as: the adoption of the budget, the implementation of the Judgment of the European Court in Strasbourg in the case of "Sejdić and Finci against BiH", the Statute of the City of Mostar, local elections and the impact of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union on the politico-economic situation in BiH. In addition, the Speaker also spoke about the challenges and tasks ahead of BiH institutions before and after the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the EU.
“Both sides have expressed a readiness to continue co-operation”, said the Cabinet of the Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Dragan Čović. (end)

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