
Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples PA BiH Kemal Ademović held a meeting with the Chargé d'affaires and head of the Political Department of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in BiH

Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH) Kemal Ademović met today with the Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in BiH Mia Dake and the head of the Political Department of the Embassy Wang Jian.

During the meeting, it was noted that the relations between the two countries are extremely good, with mutual full respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the international equality of states.

They discussed the possibilities of improving bilateral relations and cooperation between BiH and the People's Republic of China, with special emphasis on more intensive inter-parliamentary cooperation, which was assessed as good, especially after the exchange of visits by high-ranking parliamentary delegations. On that occasion, Mr. Dake repeated his invitation to Mr. Ademović to visit the People's Republic of China.

At the meeting they also discussed cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism, education and culture. (statement from the Cabinet of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples, Kemal Ademović) 

Public relations department