
Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the PA BiH Kemal Ademović attended the forum and the session of the Office for the Coordination of Bosniak Councils

"Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH) Kemal Ademović attended the forum and the session of the Office for the Coordination of Bosniak Councils in Bihać.

At the invitation of the Office for the Coordination of Bosniak Councils from the region: Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals - VKBI (BiH), Bosniak National Council in Serbia, Bosniak Council in Montenegro, Coordination of Bosniak County Councils, Minority Bosniak Communities and Zagreb City Council in Croatia, Bosniak National Council of North Macedonia, the Congress of Bosniaks of North America (USA and Canada), Bosniak representatives in the Consultative Council of Communities at the Office of the President of Kosovo, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the PA BiH attended the 15th session of the Office, which was held in Bihać.

At the AVNOJ Museum in Bihać, Mr. Ademović also attended the Office's forum on the topic "The role and significance of Bosniak councils in realizing fundamental identity issues and the status of Bosniaks in the states of the region".

During the session, Mr. Ademović gave his full support to the work of the Office for the Coordination of Bosniak Councils, as well as the conclusions of the session, and particularly emphasized the importance of establishing the home office of Bosniak Councils in Sarajevo in order to institutionally strengthen efforts to protect and preserve the fundamental identity peculiarities of Bosniaks - language, culture , traditions, as well as the social position of Bosniaks in the countries of the region" (statement from the Cabinet of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples, Kemal Ademović)

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