
Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the PA BiH House of Representatives met with a Delegation of the Slovenian National Assembly's Foreign Policy Committee

Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina met today with a Delegation of the Foreign Policy Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, who are on an official visit to our country.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Deputy Chair Sabina Ćudić and a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Mladen Bosić, thanked the guests from the National Assembly for Slovenia's special and persistent engagement in encouraging and supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina's European path, as well as in the process of obtaining candidate status with the European Union. On the other hand, guests expressed gratitude to our country for supporting Slovenia's membership in the UN Security Council and for assistance in dealing with the consequences of the major floods that struck the country last summer.

It was emphasized during the discussions that the relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia are traditionally extremely good and are not burdened by any outstanding issues. However, according to the Chair of the Foreign Policy Committee of the National Assembly, Predrag Baković, Slovenia will not stop there, it will strongly support work on meeting the conditions for EU and NATO membership even more. He emphasized the importance of Bosnia and Herzegovina's accession to the European Union happening as soon as possible and pointed out that the words of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, who officially stated last year that the European Union must be ready to accept new members by 2030, should be taken seriously. However, as he added, intensive work is needed to ensure that by 2030 Bosnia and Herzegovina is also ready for membership.

Members of the Committee Ćudić and Bosić briefed the guests on the firm belief that the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and the Foreign Affairs Committee should assume a significantly more proactive role in Bosnia and Herzegovina's EU integration process, highlighting the potential value of the National Assembly's experiences in this regard. This was underscored during today's meeting as a compelling incentive to reinvigorate active and direct co-operation between the two countries' parliaments, a relationship that, over the past two decades, has not met satisfactory standards nor kept pace with the broader relations between BiH and Slovenia. (End)

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