
"Where is the energy sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina heading - the impact of CBAM on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina” - thematic session of the Joint Committee for Economic Reforms and Development held in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH)

The Joint Committee for Economic Reforms and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH), organized a thematic session today in collaboration with the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina: "The Future of the Energy Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina – the Impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on the Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina."

During the thematic session, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to BiH, and representatives of the EU4ENERGY Project, the panellists presented the importance of this topic and the need for urgent steps regarding the mechanism regulating carbon emissions in international trade.

In addition to the members of the Joint Committee and representatives of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, representatives of the Directorate for Economic Relations and Trade (DERK), Elektroprijenos BiH, Elektroprivreda BiH, Elektroprivreda RS, Elektroprivreda HZHB, employers' associations, chambers of commerce, entity ministries of energy, entrepreneurship, economy, UNDP and others who will feel the greatest impact of the introduction of CBAM in BiH were also actively involved in the discussion.

The participants of the thematic session discussed the approximation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European standards, i.e., the introduction of CBAM for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is announced for 1January 2026, and which is, as stated, a kind of "D-day" for Bosnian exporters, who will be taxed at the EU border for the use of fossil fuels in the finalization of products they wish to export to the EU.

Stefano Elero, a representative of the EU Delegation to BiH, stated that BiH has great potential for production of renewable energy and that steps need to be taken for safer and faster decarbonization and transition that BiH must undergo in order to align with EU trends and enable further economic progress in BiH.

The participants watched presentations which explained what the introduction of CBAM and the ETS mechanism means for the economy, and how Bosnia and Herzegovina should be involved in these processes.

The participants of the thematic session emphasized the need for urgent overcoming of obstacles affecting the slow process of implementation of necessary measures through the adoption of laws and other acts that will help in the transition process and stop the negative consequences for the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is crucial for the sustainable development of this country and its citizens.

It was also noted that it is necessary, in a short period of time, to organize a joint session of both houses of the PA BiH to open additional discussions on the impact of CBAM on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (End)

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