
Head of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Saša Magazinović, participated in the thematic session of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

To educate men about the fight against violence against women

The Head of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH) in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Saša Magazinović, is in Tirana, where, upon the invitation of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of PACE, he is participating in the thematic session “Countering psychological and online violence against women.

With the aim of drawing attention to online hatred, sexual violence, and harassment of women in public spaces, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) actively addresses the issue of cyber discrimination and hate on the internet, as well as combating sexual violence and harassment of women in public spaces. The Council of Europe's Gender Equality Strategy emphasizes the need to address violence against women (including in online and offline spheres) by combating gender stereotypes and sexism - including sexist hate speech and violent and sexualized threats on the internet, especially on social media platforms.

The term "digital dimension of violence against women" is used to emphasize the fact that this harmful behavior disproportionately targets women and girls and constitutes a central element of their experience of gender-based violence against women. This type of violence, like psychological, physical, and sexual violence in the "offline world," is rooted in the same context of women's inequality and men's privileged position.

On this occasion, Member of Parliament Magazinović emphasized that the Istanbul Convention requires signatory states to take sustainable measures aimed at preventing violence against women by addressing its root causes and working to change attitudes, gender roles, and stereotypes that make violence against women acceptable.

I am sure, Magazinović stated, that men should bear the greatest responsibility in the fight against violence against women. Therefore, in his opinion, one of the significant tools for combating violence against women in both online and offline spaces, alongside appropriate legal enhancements, is definitely educating men on recognizing and preventing violence against women, as well as working to break down stereotypes and sexist beliefs that underpin violence against women.

Magazinović, a member of the Council of Europe's international parliamentary network "Women Free from Violence," highlighted the insufficiently recognized digital dimension of violence against women as a form of gender-based violence. He welcomed the proposal for recommendations to establish stronger support mechanisms, including legal and psychological counseling available to all victims of violence committed in the digital sphere, fully understanding that this form of attack on the mental health of girls and women is much more prevalent than society as a whole is aware of. (end) 

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