
Member of the House of Peoples of the PA BiH Snježana Novaković - Bursać participated in Thessaloniki in the International Political Conference "Politics as an area of expression of Christian values in everyday life"

Member of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Snježana Novaković - Bursać participated in the International Political Conference "Politics as an area of ​​expression of Christian values ​​in everyday life", which was held at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.

The aim of the conference was to approach, examine and promote Christian values in the field of society, politics, and social science, as well as in the political dialogue developing in the context of this year’s European elections.

It is our duty to be in solidarity, empathetic, and to be open to the problems and sufferings of others at the time when the European continent is going through a constant and conscious collapse of the value system, said Novaković - Bursać at the panel dedicated to the promotion of Christian values ​​in the public sphere. She pointed out that politicians must work on promotion of the values ​​of truth and justice, without which there is no lasting peace, and the truth cannot be imposed. She also said that as a society we must fight for protection of the family and creating new lives because without bearing and nurturing children, any other job is questionable. All this should be implemented in the long term in social and health policies, as well as in measures from the local level to state strategies, concluded Novaković - Bursać.

Conference participants discussed about the need to redefine the framework of priorities that would contribute to the sustainable future of Europe and emphasized the importance of a concept that would ensure greater participation of citizens in the process of decision-making and management of European affairs.

The conference, which was attended by numerous representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, as well as representatives of the academic community and church dignitaries, was jointly organized by the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy, the Conference of European Churches, the Commission of Bishops' Conferences of the European Union, the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, and the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. (end) 


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