
Speaker of the House of Peoples of PA BiH Kemal Ademović met with the Ambassador of Great Britain to Bosnia and Herzegovina

“The Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH), Kemal Ademović, met today with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Julian Reilly.

During the conversation, Ambassador Reilly was interested in the continuation of the reform process under the authority of the PA BiH, as well as the current political and security situation in the light of current topics.

Speaker Ademović informed Ambassador Reilly of upcoming plans for the activities of the House of Peoples PA BiH and presented an assessment of the current security situation that requires special attention of the international community to protect BiH citizens, with special reference to returnees in the Republika Srpska entity. Speaker Ademović pointed out that the current debate on the proposal for a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on marking the International Day of Remembrance and Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide in 1995 is an opportunity to open a new political chapter, and that it in no way suggests the responsibility of one nation, but exclusive responsibility of perpetrators of genocide.

At the end of the conversation, the interlocutors agreed that the sovereignty, territorial integrity and international subjectivity of Bosnia and Herzegovina is unquestionable, and that all political actors without exception must adhere to the Dayton Peace Agreement and the obligations arising from it in order to preserve peace and stability." (Statement from the Office of the Speaker of the House of Peoples)

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