
Members of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly met with the Minister for EU Affairs in the Government of Sweden

Speaker of the House of Peoples and Chairman of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Kemal Ademović, and member of the Delegation Obren Petrović met, on the sidelines of the 104th Rose Roth Seminar of the NATO PA in Stockholm, with the Minister for European Union Affairs (EU) in the Government of Sweden, Jesica Roswall.

Members of the PABiH Delegation thanked Minister Roswall for the support she gave to Bosnia and Herzegovina during the introductory speech at the seminar, emphasizing her unequivocal support for the Euro-Atlantic path of our country.

Minister Roswall reiterated that it is very important that the politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina approach the reforms decisively and that they take advantage of the opportunity that the EU offers us at this moment.

The minister also sent a message of encouragement to, as she said, leaders who have a vision and who are determined to fulfil the conditions for the start of negotiations with the EU, again emphasizing the obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to send a signal to friends from the EU who make decisions through the implemented reforms. In such a situation, Minister Roswall said, the support of the Parliament and Government of Sweden, as well as other EU member states, will certainly not be lacking. (End)

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