
The International Conference on " The Role of Parliaments in the European Integration Process - Constitutional and Legal Changes" will be held on 29-30 October 2012 at the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The conference on “The Role of Parliaments in the European Integration Process – Constitutional and Legal Changes”, co-organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the “Konrad Adenaur” Foundation Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be held on 29-30 October 2012, at the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.

As announced, the event is an opportunity for the representatives of the Constitutional - Legal, Legislative Committees and the Committees on European Integration from countries in the region to promote the activities of their parliaments in a particular manner, and establish closer co-operation in the fields of legislation and European integration. The path to European Union accession is a common commitment of all countries in the region. The role of parliaments in this process is significant as all European Union Members States implemented constitutional and legal changes during their accession process. It is expected to see from the conference the results in these fields, as most countries in the region have not yet fulfilled the EU membership requirements.

The conference will gather the chairpersons of the Constitutional –Legal, Legislative and the Committees on European Integration from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, the secretaries of the aforementioned Committees , representatives of the European Parliament and the Parliaments of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, as well as prominent independent experts. It is expected that the conference will result in the adoption of conclusions, promoting the significance of parliaments in the process of European integration. 

Conference agenda 

List of participants

Public relations department