
Thematic Session on the occasion of the International Day of preventing and combating violence against women held in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Committee on Gender Equality of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, in cooperation with BiH Agency for Gender Equality and support provided by OESC Mission in BiH, organized thematic session on the occasion of November 25, the International Day of preventing and combating violence against women.

The participants of the Conference pointed out in their discussions the importance of organized combating violence against women and domestic violence and exchanged their views regarding Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, as well as the Handbook for Parliamentarians as a tool to implement Convention. The analysis of criminal sanctions and recommendations from the judicial practice in the field of combating violence against women were presented to them.
As it was stated at the end of the Conference, the Committee will discuss the effects of contributions from the Conference on its following meeting and adopt some recommendations for relevant authorities aimed to improve the situation in this field.

Among other participants, Mr. Mendes Bota, special rapporteur of the Council of Europe, took part in the Session together with the parliamentarians from the state and entity parliaments, the state and entities committees for gender equality, entity gender centers, members of the judiciary, representatives of BiH Ministry of Justice, BiH Ministry of Security, non-government organizations as well as international organizations.

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