
Chair of the Caucus of Serb Representatives in the House of Representatives of the PABiH Čedomir Stojanović met with the EUSR BiH Head of Political Section

Chair of the Caucus of Serb Representatives in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), Čedomir Stojanović, met today with the Head of Political Section in the European Union Special Representative Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUSR BiH), Elisabet Tomasinec.

During the meeting, they discussed the priorities of the European agenda for BiH, as well as the possibilities of speeding up the fulfillment of 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission, especially after Bosnia and Herzegovina received the status of a candidate for full EU membership last December.

The important role of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH was also highlighted in the process of European integration of BiH and the adoption of legislation that would fulfill key priorities from the European agenda for BiH. (end)

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