
Members of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, Rights of Children, Youth, Immigration, Refugees, Asylum and Ethics of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH on a study visit to the National Assembly of Poland

Members of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, Rights of Children, Youth, Immigration, Refugees, Asylum and Ethics of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nermina Ćemalović and Dragutin Rodić, will be on a study visit to the National Assembly of Poland from 5-6 March 2013, aiming to exchange views on “ Parliamentary ethics’’.

On the first day of the visit, the BiH PA delegation will talk with National Assembly of Poland representatives about professional and ethical standards for parliamentarians in Poland, and meet with members of the Committee on Parliamentary Ethics Affairs of the National Assembly of Poland.

On the second day, three sessions are envisaged. During the session on “Thematic analysis of professional and ethical standards”, a practical tool that draws upon academic research and practical experiences in OSCE participating States will be discussed. The aim of the discussion is to identify main concerns and possible obstacles to be considered while reforming, developing and designing parliamentary standards.

Within the session on the “Presentation of state experiences on how to set professional and ethical standards for parliamentarians - positive practises and challenges”, participants will present their experiences of codes of conduct, or other specific provisions that regulate ethical standards in certain national parliaments. The aim of the session “Next steps – how to successfully set up professional and ethical standards for parliamentarians”, is to try to outline possible ways to develop systems of professional and ethical standards, and highlighting key areas to be regulated by the standards. (end)

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