
The BiH PA Delegation met with the Speaker of the Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia

The BiH PA Delegation, invited by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pay an official visit to this friendly country, met today with the Speaker of the Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia (Medzlis El Sura), Abdullah Al Sheikh.

During the visit, Dr Božo Ljubić, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Head of the Delegation, Dr Denis Bećirović, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Ognjen Tadić, Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples, and Halid Genjac, Chair of the Bosniac People’s Caucus in the House of Peoples, thanked the host for Saudi Arabia’s wholehearted assistance with the reconstruction and improvement of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and called for joint efforts to strengthen economic relations between these two friendly countries. He substantiated this with the fact that signed necessary international agreements already exist, which open up opportunities for investment, predominantly in the energy and hydro sectors. He also introduced the hosts to the fact that BiH probably has the highest quality drinking water in the world, a commodity that is not exploited to its full potential. Mr Ljubić added that BiH’s liberal laws encourage and protect investors, and that BiH is well on the way to being a strong economic partner.

The Speaker, Al Sheikh, stated that he is convinced that the basis of co-operation between the two countries is grounded in the relationship between their Parliaments, and called for more intensive contact, especially with those friendly groups in both Assemblies. (end)

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