
Mr. Ognjen Tadić, Member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH in PAM, spoke with Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General

The war and humanitarian crisis in Syria, as well as its impact on the security and stability in the Mediterranean region were the main topics of conversation between the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

During conversation with the Delegation of the PAM, where Mr. Ognjen Tadić is also a member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the PAM, UN Secretary General expressed a hope that the Peace Conference on Syria, held on 22nd January 2014 in Geneva, shall bring a solution that will enable ending of the conflict. "The pictures that come daily from Syria speak of the suffering of ordinary people and their miseries. The biggest challenge is to have a constructive conversation between the Syrian government and the opposition at one place", said Ban Ki-moon and added that everyone must show that they have a vision and strength of the leaders that returns the safety and dignity to every person in Syria.

Mr. Ognjen Tadić, Delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and a member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH in the PAM, speaking on the impact of the Syrian crisis on countries in the Mediterranean region,   said that a particularly troubling dimension of internationalization of the Syrian conflict, (which refers to the participation of volunteers and mercenaries in military conflict), is a problem encountered by Bosnia and Herzegovina. "It's about people in their late twenties who do not even remember the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but they see the war in Syria as an invitation to fight on the side of militant groups. That brings a danger in BiH, which until now faced terrorist actions, and therefore it is necessary to make a maximum effort to localize the Syrian crisis in every respect and to suppress to the immediate area until the final solution".

Italian Senator Francesco Maria Amoruso, who led the Delegation of the PAM, spoke with leaders of the UN Department of Political Affairs in the Middle East and West Asia, within the high-level meeting. (end)

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