
The Speaker of the House of Peoples, Mr Staša Košarac, talked with the Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mr Staša Košarac, Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH PA), talked with Mr Fletcher Burton, Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding the role of the BiH PA in the implementation of a European Court on Human Rights ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case, including the relationship of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH with BiH parliamentarians in this respect.

During the meeting, Mr Košarac warned that a decision, made by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, to call parliamentarians on informative speech would place serious pressure on the BiH PA, as well as encroaching on MP’s immunity.

Mr Košarac said ‘’We expect a reaction by the representatives from the OSCE, who are a strong and genuine partner of the BiH PA, and also from other international institutions, in relation to such a decision and the attitude of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH’’.

The Speaker stressed the importance of the fact that, apart from political leaders, the BiH PA has been involved in the process of finding a solution for the implementation of a European Court on Human Rights ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case.
‘’A discussion in the BiH PA on this matter may strengthen the role of political leaders in the implementation process. Currently, our views came closer and it’s necessary to continue these talks which would lead to a final solution and open a European future for the country”, stated Mr Košarac.

Mr Fletcher Burton emphasized the importance and institutional strength of the BiH PA in BiH’s democratization process and outlined that representatives of the international community will continue to provide strong support to the BiH PA and make efforts to strengthen its role.

Mr Burton announced that the OSCE Mission to BiH will organize three international conferences on the implementation of the Constitutional Courts’ decisions this year and the BiH PA will host one of these conferences. In addition, the BiH PA will also host an international conference on financial autonomy of parliaments, the first of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr Košarac pledged that the members of the Collegium of the House of Peoples will provide maximum support to the organization of the aforementioned conferences, and in that respect, they will adjust the calendar of the House of Peoples’ sessions. (end)

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