
The Sixth OSCE Regional Conference of Women Parliamentarians on “Parliamentary Working Bodies – Achievements and Challenges from a Gender Perspective” was held

The House of Representatives Gender Equality Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH (PA BiH), in co-ordination with the OSCE Mission to BiH and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), organized today the sixth OSCE Regional Conference of Women Parliamentarians on “Parliamentary Working Bodies – Achievements and Challenges from a Gender Perspective”.

During today's conference it was stressed that gender equality, non-discrimination, women's and human rights are vital factors that must be considered when topics relevant to society are discussed. It was also stressed that inclusion of these factors are key to successful legislation, policies, economy and other issues.

''It needs to be clear that issues which are discussed today can not be perceived as pending issues, but it is necessary to adopt an approach that will stimulate political players to include a gender - responsible and a gender - sensitive approach in their political work'', is the message from today's Regional Conference of Women Parliamentarians.

The participants discussed the following topics: What is the value-added to establishing women's parliamentary structures? What are the main challenges to cross-party co-operation on gender-related issues and how to overcome them?
What needs to be done to sustain parliamentary women's structures within parliamentary organizations? What are the main lessons learned in the establishment and functioning of women's caucuses?

Women parliamentarians from the PA BiH and parliaments of Finland, Albania, Federation of BiH, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Brčko District Assembly of BiH and the Council of Peoples of the Republic of Srpska participated at today’s conference.

In addition, representatives from the embassies in BiH, international organizations and NGOs attended the conference. (end)

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