
Speaker of the House of Peoples, Bariša Čolak, and Deputy Speaker, Ognjen Tadić, participate in the 18th meeting of the Association of European Senates

The Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), Bariša Čolak, and his Deputy, Ognjen Tadić, participate in the 18th meeting of the Association of European Senates, which has started today in Slovenia at Brdo pri Kranju.

Delegations of the management and representatives of 15 European Senates were welcomed, on behalf of the host, by the President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Mitja Bervar, and the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Milan Brglez.

Participants of the two-day meeting discussed, in the first session, the need and possibilities of establishing a bicameral parliament of the European Union (EU). The opinions and views on the initiative for the establishment of the European Senate were presented by the President of the State Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Mitja Bervar, the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Milan Štěch, as well as the President of the Senate of the Netherlands, Ankie Broekers - Knol.

In the context of the discussion on this topic it was estimated that the introduction of a bicameral European Parliament has more good than bad sides, since the bicameral parliamentary system would be, as it was said, the path to closer relations between institutions and citizens. The introduction of a bicameral parliament would give an important contribution to the efficient functioning of the EU institutions and the establishment of good policies in the interest of the citizens, it was pointed out during the debate in which the management and representatives of the European Senates were invited in the forthcoming period to intensify cooperation and exchange of opinions and views on this subject.

The debate on the reform of the European Senates will continue tomorrow at the conference, when the participants will be addressed by the Speaker of the PABiH House of Peoples, Bariša Čolak. (End)

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