
Speakers of both Houses of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly participated in the Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of Central and Eastern European Countries

The Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), Šefik Džaferović, and the Speaker of the House of Peoples of PABiH, Bariša Čolak, participated in the Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of Central and Eastern European Countries. The Conference, which ended today in Warsaw, was organized by the Polish Senate and Sejm.

During the discussion, divided into two panels, the presidents of parliaments had the opportunity to exchange opinions on issues related to the role of the parliamentary diplomacy, security in the region, infrastructure installations and values ​​that connect the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Speaker of the House of Peoples, Bariša Čolak, addressed the audience during the first panel themed the role of national parliaments in international politics, whilst the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Šefik Džaferović, spoke about the North-South axis infrastructure cooperation.

On the margins of the Conference, the Speakers of both Houses met with the Presidents of Parliaments of Montenegro, Romania, Croatia and Hungary, and exchanged thoughts on improvement of cooperation at all levels, especially in the context of integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the European Union. (End)


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