
Members of the BiH PA Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – Ordinary Spring Session

Milica Marković, Saša Magazinović, Senad Šepić and Ismeta Dervoz – members of the permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH (BiH PA) to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CoE PA) – will participate in the CoE PA ordinary spring session, beginning Monday, 7 April 2014.

The CoE PA has announced that the most important item on the agenda will be the discussion of recent developments in Ukraine, with a special overview of threats to the functioning of democratic institutions. At the beginning of the session, the CoE PA will reconsider substantive grounds of the previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation.

The session’s agenda includes an address by the President Heinz Fischer of Austria, to the members of the PA CoE. Furthe, the request for ‘Partner for Democracy’ status with the PA COE, submitted by the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, will be considered. The agenda foresees discussion on the annual report produced by the CoE Commissioner for Human Rights, on the topic of prostitution, trafficking and modern slavery in Europe.

CoE PA members will additionally discuss the following topics: the situation and rights of traditional national minorities in Europe; access to nationality and the effective implementation of the European Convention on Nationality; refugees and the right to work; resettlement of refugees as an efficient tool for greater solidarity in Europe; decent work for all; the urgent need to deal with new failures to co-operate with the European Court of Human Rights; and, ending child poverty in Europe.

The ordinary session of the CoE PA will end on Friday, 11 April 2014. Part of the session will be dedicated to improving user protection and security in cyberspace and the right to Internet access. (end)

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